- "Helping Internet and Network Marketers build a business while having a life."

If you want to build a large business then you want to start to think like a big business and get better at recruiting...

This post is going to give you some great ideas when it comes to getting a endless supply of leads. with a couple of online lead generation tips.

The fact is the person with less leads and sharp skills will be better then someone that gets a ton and sucks at prospecting.

Understand what a lead is - a person looking for __________( you fill in the blank of what your prospect / customer wants )  something... understand that you can continue to get leads on demand... the majority today will fall on passive marketing. You are doing something and you hope something will respond to you...

Active going out there and connect with people you don't know...

What is difficult is the education between active prospecting vs active prospective spend some time doing both...

Lets talk about tweaking your content that you create... I want to give you four good tweaks that you can take and use right now.

Here is 4 super great tips!

1. Only Rock Starts do it... consistently referencing your opt-in offer especially if its congruent with your main offer.

2. Persuasion shell - You need to tell them what to do, always " Hey please share and comment "
The biggest comment to get is your first one don't be afraid to form a blog mini tribe... that is where you get a group of bloggers that leave posts on every one else's blogs.

3. A lot of people in blogging do training's for teams and webinar's - record, record, record, record... If you are not recording then its all for not... If you are not training then do interviews and go get some interviews... use it as a giveaway use it in future products...

Use something like the following as an idea:
"Hey Free Download if you like the audio comment below share it on your FB send a email to my assistant." you can do that with training's and with your interviews

4. Always Think like a student and a marketer... at the same time

Example go to an event shoot a video look at your notes whats the difference its purposeful listening what can you go teach?

When I go to different events I get snippets (future content )... Don't just be a student...

MAJOR TIP :If you want to BOOST YOUR LEADS is look at your giveaway... there are so many crappy ones... people are getting overwhelmed and getting too emails... So you have to overcome that... you have got to create something besides check out my newsletter or subscribe to my updates... does not work anymore.. be specific give away great value and speak to your audience.

If you do not know what you leads want? How can you satisfy their needs? Do you survey people?
Ask questions to your list :  Do you struggle with ? Closing, Leads whatever...

 That is how you build your business... Survey Monkey... send a survey out to your list now you know what they want to know about...

You can ask what is your biggest frustration? what is your biggest hang up?

Remember .
Your target is the other 90% percent out there that don't know any of the stuff you might know...
Now your target is the other marketers out there... the majority if you are in the Home Biz Niche.

Social Media when it comes to posting a post without a link generates more curiosity
do the opposite of what everyone else is doing

Be different try not to be the same like everyone else... mix it up, things get old fast. Be careful with telling off people on social media and don't be confrontational. You don't want to offend but if you have a strong opinion about something stand your ground...  don't ever bash people or companies. But you can bash behavior.Don't be so vanilla have a opinion.

When You are doing a blog or video when it comes to keyword  research some people should use the Google keyword tool... people are not doing the keyword the research to see if it is a valid least do the research to see if its getting views.

I hope you got some great tips while I was giving some online lead generation tips. It's possible you might know all of these already but if you found value in this post then I would appreciate that you comment below and or give my fan page a like... thanks

P.S I can show you how to get a endless supply of leads check out this link right here and explore what you have been missing all along in your business, I promise you wont be sorry.

P.S.S Here is the Free 84 minute webinar that I talked about in another video about getting leads, pure value...

Scott Lindstrom
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( 760 ) 269 - 8876

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Stop the pain and stuggling in your Home Based Business. Sick in tired of not getting the results you deserve? You too can generate up to 50 leads a day in your business by clicking on the link below! Click Here For Instant Access