- "Helping Internet and Network Marketers build a business while having a life."


This  is how you are going to implement this strategy into your business to capture the attention of your visitors. Creating a piece of content when someone ops into your field or other funnels that you have created.
A free report is a great start and this template is something that is given and make it your own and start putting it into play.
You are going to have to read the report and plug in what is essentially your story and make it your own. The template gives you the direction that gives you the outline for your story. It will compel your readers to read from paragraph to paragraph until they read the whole story and finish...
You want a picture of yourself... Most people do not go to their email and not check right away if you have a regular picture that conveys the image of " YOU " .  You want to convey a message to your readers that is going to show that you are a real person and that even though you might be new you are establishing to the world that you have had some success.
Don't forget to use subtitles and tell them how you started and go through don't fit the mold.... be your self think TRANSPARENT ... don't try to be something for everyone be yourself you want people to be attracted to you not because you are someone that you are not.
After you finish this template and it becomes your story you will have 15 - 20 pages of content. Dont go past this as your are in the danger zone of becoming a e book.

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Scot Lindstrom said...

Hey Thanks for the comment... appreciate you...

Scott Lindstrom said...

Thanks for the comment...

Scott Lindstrom said...
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