Hello everyone Scott Lindstrom here today I have a treat for everyone! This is going to be absolutely
wonderful because I have a gentleman that is a 0 to success story... I had the opportunity to sit down and watch a 160-minute webinar where this gentleman literally laid it out plain and simple
Be prepared to be amazed by his story and take notes on this one for sure! What's most interesting he did this 5 - 10 hrs a week as he has a full-time photography business!
He has personally over 500 people in his Network Marketing company within the last 7 months...
One year ago this guy was just as novice as a newbie gets...
If you are a Network Marketer
Affiliate Marketer
Sell your own product
Service Providers
Traditional Brick and Mortar business
Wanting to start your own business
Brand New to Online Marketing
Technology challenged
Online Veterans...
If you want the magic bullet
Not wanting to work hard
Give up on the first sign of hardship...
The 5 Biggest Challenges with marketing online
1. There are Thousands of Home Based Opportunities to choose from ( new biz ops launching almost daily) and thousands of other distributors in your same company.
2. Skepticism-
3. Decrease in attention spams - We have very little tolerance for information that wastes our time
4. You don't own anything... you don't control anything that company is not your business YOU are you'r business. Business comes and goes...
5 Compliance with Company Team Marketing Policies: Some up line trainers don't want their team marketing online and Some Companies Prohibit you from Mentioning the company name online altogether or using any marketing materials except for the pages that they provide.
These strategies are not theory they work
The reason is why it works is because it's strategies vs tactics... tactics are good but fade with time...
Let me give you an example Sin Zu created a book called " The Art of War " It's a good read the strategies don't change however the tactics do... machinery and weapons change.
You can be a business owner but at the end of the day you are still trading your dollars for hours...
Everyone has different strategies so different ways of marketing works for different people...
It's, however, your way of building your business. Give them different alternatives...
Magnetic Sponsoring and Attraction Marketing...
The common denominator in every success or failure is YOU. If there are people making money in your company you can too.. Don't keep jumping from company to company... Within weeks you can have leads... showing up! Remember you don't want money you don't want the dirty paper with hundred-year-old dead guys on it...
Most people think marketing means promotion...
Most people think they are advertising on tv...
There is too much hypey stuff out there?
People think if they throw too much stuff at the wall....it might actually stick.
Marketing is ...
Education, Relationship Building, Proving your Authority and your Trustworthiness, building desire., you must connect the dots... give to others first before you ask
You must show people and show people here is how this thing my product my opportunity can giving
6 things that play a part in success
3. Take action despite fear of failure ( fully expect to fail )
The 3 Step Formula to Success in Any Business or Niche
The Goodwill Bank Account...
Why do you think your upline tells you to call your friends and family... because normally all of the four things are already in place.
Most people go about this the wrong way...
when you market this online you need to establish this
5. Social Proof - When we see others doing it then we have a tendency to do it... monkey see monkey do. Anytime you can show people success with other people the success that people are having in your business product / opportunity that you are in the better you are!
6. Demonstration - connecting the dots with your product / service or opportunity if you can get your prospect to see themselves using your product or see them building your business before they say yes they are more likely to say yes... Imagine yourself... can you see yourself (you're painting a picture in their mind )
7. Scarcity - When something you feel like you are going to miss out on something or that you are going to lose something is causing you to get off the fence and make a decision.
So how can you make scarcity work in your online business? Hey after midnight the price is going to go up... we only have a limited number left or a deadline... Its got to be real scarcity...
You can create your own bonuses and say join our team or my team you can add bonuses...
it works in Network Marketing and Network Marketing
5 Main Questions Your Prospects Want Answered
The Number One Mistake Most New Marketers Make
So how do I do this ... YOU ASK...
Why is this email so important well for several reasons actually
1. You are showing them you are indeed a real person and that actually cares about them and their needs. It positions you as an authority...
2. You get automatic constant feedback that will shape your marketing ( this is so important and invaluable ) You can create content based on the information you get...
3. If you can connect with these people personally either through a phone message or online
then you know how to talk to them so you can match your offer to what they want or need.
4. Remember multiple micro commitments add up to the big commitment...
we are talking about systems people
out of the 4 steps here, what is the most important part of the funnel?
any guesses?
It is my opinion is the most important is the lead capture page because it is the doorway to the rest of your funnel. So this is their first interaction with you its the first chance to show your value is the first chance to show you can help them.
What if you can get twice as many people through the front door...
So let's talk about LEAD MAGNETS and LEAD CAPTURE PAGE...
What is a Lead Magnet?
- E-Book
- Free PDF
- FREE Report
- Free Video
- Physical Book
- Resource Guides
- Blueprints
- Action Plan
- Webinars
- Audio
- Emails
- Consultation
- Free Software / App
- Case Study
- Coupon
- Discount
- Enter To Win Contest - Make prize relevant to your market
- Physical Product
Solar Panels business - People don't want to own solar panels, they want the benefits, they want to go green they want to save the environment they want to save money on their energy bill (Free Report) "Discover 3 simple ways to save 50 percent on your electric bill next month." Give 3 tips and then the 3rd tip explains the benefit of solar panels, here is the misconception
NETWORK MARKETING - Supplements - - Help people healthier what are the benefits that some people have experienced ... what are some problems that people used to have that they don't have anymore... What are the problems and what are the benefits...
So ... How do I attract people to my MLM ?
1. In the beginning, you are better off leading with your product...
What is Bridge Marketing?
So here are a couple ideas...
_____________________ without ______________________
Short Attention Spans? I'll pay attention to you all day long if you're helping me solve a problem or reduce the pain and frustration in my life.
P.S If you want the exact same strategy that Tyson has with his business then I recommend you check this out.
L T S - Learn Train Succeed
Scott Lindstrom
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/ScottLindstromPage
( 760 ) 221-7980
Follow @ScottLLindstrom