- "Helping Internet and Network Marketers build a business while having a life."

If you want to know the #1 secret to how to increase the traffic to your blog.You are in the right place  because I am going to show you exactly what to do.
So I was going over some content and I about fell out of my chair.It literally hit me like a ton of bricks...

I decided to check my Alexa rankings this is the entity that tells you what rank a website is in the world. This is what I saw as of 12/ 21/ 2012 on the website

All I can say is WOW!

If you want to know how to increase traffic to your blog this can help!

Two things I know from looking at this

1. This SUCKS !
2. I know I will never be this low ever again!

I don't even rank enough for them to compile any data on me!

I found a way recently that can dramatically help me in my efforts...
When you find yourself looking at other peoples blogs
do you stop to look at how pretty is is? What colors they use? How about where the sidebar is located?

I mean all these things are important but fail in comparison to the thing that is going to push you through the ceiling... You know we see these successful marketers and we wonder gosh they must be super human they must be very smart.. wrong... they had determination.

I learned how a homeless guy living in a van in Hawaii did blogging and became the biggest internet marketers out there..  No I am not trying to be a follower. However living in a van sometimes sucks!
So back to want I wanted to go into the #1 strategy on how to increase traffic to your blog...

OPM no its not that song OPP from the 90's 
It's literally a way to STEAL content from other marketers.. The goal here is that we want to try to create content on a CONSISTENT BASIS.

"Good Teachers borrow ideas, great teachers steal them"
-Mr. Swanson Evergreen High School Geometry 1987

You got to keep your list engaged by sending them content on a regular basis... 

Look at the other blogs how often are they updating their content? It's like every other week maybe once a month... But I don't like writing content... great when you get sick and tired of it and you are making a ton of money Outsource that and have a writer post blogs for you... 

We are taking about 4 X a week... you can write a post like this or you can use the method I am going to describe here to get ideas.

I am literally going to share with you a golden nugget that can shave months off your learning curve 

I am implementing this strategy as of today and will be going forward.

  • WRITE WHY YOU LOVE IT  ( a paragraph or so ) 
  • LINK BACK TO THE ORIGINAL  ( always give credit ! ) 
So you are going to be bettering yourself in addition to creating content !

You do 2 or 3 posts of your own content and or do 2 or 3 with the method described above. 

Let's pretend that you create content 5 days a week x 5 blogs a day is 25 blogs per week x 4 is 100 blog articles a month! Very few people in your niche read that much content... If you want to put yourself in the top 1 percent of bloggers in your niche start by reading the top 5 blogs in your niche and that will rocket ship you and your mind past everyone...


Ray Higdon is in my opinion one of the best bloggers when it comes to our niche market his blogging course is a must have for any blogger out there! The man creates content daily. He is a 7 figure a year money earner! The funny part he was a 6 figure a year money earner and his blog sucked ! 

There is a effort level that will be needed here make the difference on you and your family future!

Now if you have any questions please get in touch with me below, I am a real person that wants to see you succeed. Personally connect with me on Facebook and send me a message. Yea its Christmas... no start now... like today. 

P.S We all know that content is king but how do we get our blog optimized to receive this traffic this course is going to show you the mechanics not he basics... I recommend you pick up this course 
that is going to shave off weeks to your learning curve. 

Me and the man Ray Higdon

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