- "Helping Internet and Network Marketers build a business while having a life."

Click see picture to see ... Email + Social Media = Success

So In my previous post we touched on the basics if you did not catch that 

I invite you to check it out if you havent already click read more above to go there

Someone came up and asked should I use social media in my emails 
YES !!
So I want to touch on about Social Media inside your website / blog. I was asked not to long 
ago should I be sending out emails with Social Media buttons... YES ! 

I say buttons as opposed to links because you can link buttons to go to different 
Your email is more then words its contains a bunch of different things

The Content you put on your blog is more then words its 

  • Images 
  • Videos 
  • Infographs -
  • Charts 
  • Live and recorded demos 
  • User generated-quotes, testimonials
While creating this content your want to use Social Media and have everything link back to your hub your blog... this will be the central hub and a leaping off platform of where you will have people from all over connect with you. 

Pick Your Social Media Platform and focus! 

Pick 2 or 3 Platforms and focus... 

My recommendation is Facebook as its the number 2 website in the world and then either twitter or Pintrest... but social media is constantly changing and by the time you are reading this some new social media platform will be up and running... 


pick 2 or 3 platforms and focus ... 

So when using Social Media

>Promote your pages to current custormer send email add links in emails and blog website ect
>Content is king 
>Post Often with good and useful material you already have: 
*Videos and photos 


Use email to engage people to like your page 
Share your pictures and videos 
Coupons or Specials 
Ask Questions 
Post regularly 
Share Other Content 
Promote your Best Stuff! 

Use Social sharing to expand the reach of your messages. 

Tips to Increase Twitter Engagement 
Tweet Blog Posts, company news contests, sales, ect 
Share Media that you consume 
Industry trends and studies 
Revelent blog posts and articles 
Follow people and brands you 
like for good content, and retweet them
Thanks poeple for mentioning your brand and RT positive mentions 


Include a Pin It button in emails 
Post regularly
Pictures awesome and engaging ones 
Create business and fun boards mix it up 

Finally I recommend taking courses on these social media platforms especially the ones 
you are goigng to use and get good marketing with the ones that YOU like...


Promote your social presence across all your marketing channels 

Email website blog traditional cross platform 

Use social media in every email... and social grow lists

Make every email shareable... put the share this icons ( don't know where they are at? Google social media icons) 

Make sure you use ICONS instead of Links because people click images its that simple 

Keep your readers in mind - make sure your emails are easy to read and work with or without images 
Use what you've got to engage your reader or followers you dont need to re invent the wheel 
You Don't have to be everywhere 
Make sure your thinking about social when your managing your email and vice versa.

Finally I am going to ask 2 things one share this article below so you can spread the value and that you join for only $25.00 and work with me personally click the banner below to see how you can implement online marketing to make money using everything I mentioned above and then some.

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