Here are 4 big time rules when you are dealing with your Blog Comments...
These are things that you need to do...
1. Always Moderate Comments - Don't allow your blog to fall victim to abandonment. You are going to get stuff you don't want publish. Wordpress has multiple filters ( plug-ins ). In Wordpress you have multiple ways to filter your comments...
2. Respond To All Comments - Tell them thanks, provide that extra value by giving a link to another article. People want to engage with you.. THIS IS VITAL! Especially when you are just starting out...
Provide that extra value...
3. Learn To Recognize Spam Comments - Even though you get comments on your blog look at the name and see if the comment is to your subject... some times spam does slip through so check in the back where the spam goes and see if some legitimate comments slipped through.
4. Don't allow Comments That Disparage Your Brand - You need to create a marketing blog ,you want to be open and transparent but that does not mean to let some ding dong call you a scammer and make you look bad!
TIP: Never allow anyone to leave a link on your blog! There is a area to leave a website... as soon as you put a link in any of my blog... ( it's your house ) I don't allow the neighbor dog to come crap on my front lawn!
Never allow advertising to other stuff on your blog! You would not someone to come into your home and hang a banner on the inside of a company...
Hope this helps when it comes to Blog Comments and these 4 things to help you
Follow @ScottLLindstrom