In fact here are to top 3!! You must do these first before you go on to then next one otherwise you are almost certain to fail
You should not get everything perfect at first just get going! So lets dive into this
#1 CAPTURE LEADS Most blogs have a weak opt in or no opt in... this is where you are loosing out on getting having a opt in form that has benefits and is sexy... TO BUILD a list... this is a must you create the blog to get leads
Opt ons that work is what we want to talk about... Keep them on the blog the more specific you can create a offer
#2 Look your blog make sure people understand what people are getting when they land on your BLOG. Look at header and side bar have a clear big idea ( look at the theme ) and be targeting your nitch be clear on your brand and choose. A good example would be It talks to the person. That example blog tells
#3 POSTING FREQUENTLY. If you are going to have a blog you need to be posting on a daily basis... Its a strategy that can make a ton of money and why you should take blogging seriously... You should know that you need to set realistic expectations when you blog. Its a long term strategy and makes momentum.
Benefits is :
- It's great form a SEO perspective in that the search engines love content from a regular basis.
- Give people a reason to continue to keep coming back and give away value!
Here are some tricks that nobody tells you... SETHGOEN... know you audience and know your posting style... What ever style you want do what works for you... Number 1 is constancy is for you and 2 content is for them...
Do what motivates you and inspires you. If you get these things down then all the other things will fall into place.