- "Helping Internet and Network Marketers build a business while having a life."

you click on a banner ad and immediately you are taken here 

Would you opt it?   YES OR NO 

Believe it or not this is a high converting landing's been scientifically proven based on a number of responses on the human body to make you capture your attention....

Where does your eyes go? 

Or maybe we use the latest and greatest marketing methods...

So I am digesting a course that literally breaks down the science of getting traffic I mean if there was ever a question I had when it came to not only getting traffic but why it works...

This is really insane nobody never told me why... 

Let me explain why because in my own mind I was never willing to invest in my education which was keeping me broke... so I decided since this is my business I would invest in my education... 

The main difference is that I spend the same ammout of  taking a semester course at the local community college can make me potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars... the community college can give me credits...  For the price of the books alone I have something I can take and literally change the future of my life... 

But I am getting off on a tanget here lets focus here... 

I wanted to give a few pointers on exactly what I have been learning and that you can get this 
exact same information... 

Check this out...

YOU HAVE 2 to 3 Seconds before your prospect clicks away and you got to get that lead.... 

1. TEST and TRACK EVERYTHING.... look you put a ad up hook it up to a landing page 
you get very little clicks and then you spent $$$ and you say this crap does not work...

Ok I understand.... that's what I did (used to do ) ... but then I got educated 

Get 3 custom landing pages that you create yourself hook them up to a URL rotator ( google it ) 
and then get some tracking software... now I know which one is converting the highest and then I take that one and do another 3 versions... some people have gotten conversions as high as a 90 percent opt in rate... 

UNREAL... so  the moral of the story is test, test test and perfect... 

2. Here his another tip I picked up... look at her eyes... ( pretty hungh? ) just kidding. She is looking to where I want you to go to the opt in form... Often times marketers will place people looking in the direction where you want people to focus. 

This is pretty clever it's not rocket science you don't even need to know why something is working in order to understand it.. monkey see monkey do... 

3. Don't Clutter you page... you want a crisp clean opt in form like this one and because it has a compelling message and it pulls you in your simply want to enter your information and you see yourself hitting the submit button... 

So I wanted to leave you with 3 things that can make your capture pages better... I learned a ton of information on how to get customers even without a freaking website... just a capture page and auto responder !!! 

If you want to know these in depth and a ton more information hit me up on facebook . I can give recommendation ( no its not my affiliate links ) to help you along or click here to get traffic like never before....

Now go get some traffic 

Scott Lindstrom

Hanging out with my sponsor makes over a 100 k a year and took 22 vacations !! ( Jealous?? ) 

Stop the pain and stuggling in your Home Based Business. Sick in tired of not getting the results you deserve? You too can generate up to 50 leads a day in your business by clicking on the link below! Click Here For Instant Access