- "Helping Internet and Network Marketers build a business while having a life."

So if you are running a part time business and if you are doing Network / Affiliate or Internet marketing I have 7 things that can help you stop wasting time and get back to the business of making money!!!

Now if you are anybody like me I work a full time job until my business can take the stress of the regular j.o.b .

So how do you maximize your short precious time while trying to build a empire....

Scrooge Mc Duck from the tv show Ducktails said it best " Work Smarter Not Harder...."

Very seldom do we realize that we have wasted hours... months... days and even years

So when I came across these 7 things I simply had to share them with the rest of the world...

1. Forgetting to Capture the Info...

How is it that if you drive across the golden gate bridge they never forget to collect your money or if you happen to be on the toll road that they make sure to cough up the monies before your allowed to go on your merry way?

Why should we be any different... The content we possess is extremely valuable and the fact is why would we do a free webinar and not collect names and emails... I am all for giving away value and providing awesome content but sooner or later your going to opt-in I make it a point to make my marketing eventually capture a name and email...

Gone are the days of free webinars... people don't appreciate free anymore and if they want free then they probably have a broke mentality and until then they will always be broke...

2 Not putting a call to action to all your marketing 

This is brain dead move but I am sad to say I did this... or used to do this too... it's a rookie move but so many marketers are doing this...

When people land on your page you need to tell them exactly what they need to do or should do and why they should do it...

Limit this to one specific action... anything more then this you will confuse your readers.

You work hard on your stuff producing content it would not make since to go through all the trouble not to attempt to build your list.

3. Albert Einestine Syndrome 

So you are on every webinar and on every conference call but are you taking what you are leaning and throwing it out in the marketplace.

So you are extremely smart and knowledgeable when it come to making a business work but are you actually practicing and putting all that good knowledge to use?

Build the business while you learn at the same time! Take what you have learned and put that out in the marketplace!

4. You'r too easy to get a hold of

How often do you stop what you are doing to answer a message.... online / offline?
If you are available 24 - 7 you are not working hard enough... set a set time each day to anwser you emails and calls and only during those times.

Respect your own self by not allowing people to determine your schedule and set one for yourself!

5. F.E.A.R of Everything including your own shadow 

Worrying about things that could potentially happen is perhaps the most prevalent Time Vampire of all time. Yet we rarely think of it as such.
We spend hours at a time focusing our concerns on what could go wrong, who could make fun of us, and how we might look to others–99% of which will NEVER come true.
Imagine if we could take all this worry time into generating leads and making sales?
WOW! How would that change your business?
Just for today, stop worrying about what could happen. 
Just for today, forget about what others might say.
Just for today, commit to facing this one fear and like Nike " Just Do It!"
You’ll be amazed at what can happen and how GREAT you’ll feel about yourself.

6. Your a perfectionist 

You got a complex disorder that's o.k most marketers do and most successful people do for that matter.. however if you don't get it going and wait for that perfect moment you will never start the momentum 
I too understand the want/need to have everything perfect in 
 your business. It’s a curse many of us share.
But I’m here to tell you that your quest for perfection can and will leave you broke.
I’ve spent HOURS making things “perfect” in my marketing…emails, videos, blog posts, etc. And in the end, it’s time wasted because during that time, no leads were being generated and no sales were being made.
They put things out there and correct the course as they go along.
They never sweat mistakes and have the self-confidence to laugh at their mistakes along the the bank! 

7. " Help , I'v fallen and I can't get up! " 

What? How can helping someone be a waste of time? 
You’re probably shaking your head, thinking I’ve lost my mind.
Let me explain. There’s something about helping others that makes us feel all warm and fuzzy. And after all, it’s what everyone tells us to do…Help those who need guidance and the good karma in the Universe will reward us.
I’m not arguing this, but when left unchecked helping others can be a HUGE Time Vampire.
You see, people take advantage. It’s something we all do. When we see something good, we want more of it.
And that includes FREE help
So if you’re out there offering free assistance to others (as you should), just be aware of this tendency and put some boundaries in place.

Did you enjoy this content now is your chance to show some love and like, comment or share.... 

P.S Want to know where I get such awesome content for my blogs including this post right here I can show you and I believe the promotion is still on for 1 dollar the first month! Check it out here... 

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