- "Helping Internet and Network Marketers build a business while having a life."

A lot of people will use the bottom of the blog post who utilize pictures mostly just to attempt to connect with others ... there is a difference between just putting up a picture and having a specific call to action... which one you think is going to get more clicks.... Remember I always say

Make everything you do as a stand alone lead magnet...

By using a call to action image this will help people to click on what you want and then take that image and put it out on other social media outlets...

Getting Images for your blog is critical yea you could risk having some copyright  infringement and or illegally swipe a image off the internet but most the time it's the wrong size which means you have to go into your favorite imaging program and edit the picture...

Enter Canva this creates something specifically for your blog (many many are free) and depending on your style you can click on it and edit... you can upload a picture ( own image )

So you can pick a picture or even import your own photo! You can overlay text on your image! This is a totally free tool... you can post the image, pin it, tweet it, email it. You will want to play around with this!

You can do so much as far as adding the text image and using it to send people with a specific message over to a capture page the picture of me and the ambulance does nothing to help me and if you were to click it would not take you anywhere.... This is what you do not want to do... The next
post I do I will do a call to action image ;)

Learn... Train... Succeed

Scott Lindstrom
My Facebook Page -

(760) 269-8876

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