You are in the right place to learn to get leads with no to low cost methods! you will want to Now I know you want Home Based Business Leads because you are here reading this now. The following are proven methods that work. I want to warn you they are for Hustlers only! I know you will not have heard of every tactic here so you can lean a completely new idea or method of exposing you'r business!
The Master Mark Yarnell once said " -Every Great Marketer was once a horrible one."I am going to show you right here there are 10 lead tactics that can dramatically help you in your business!
Now I am not saying drop what you are currently doing as far as marketing or generating but you are going out anyway and you are in the mode. When you are not blogging or writing articles you can go and utilize any of these methods and you are guaranteed to get some leads
I know I am going to get some pushback on this but I want to dispel this myth Non - Phone Use is dead.If you want to build a empire you are going to have to learn to use the phone... If you are in the market for building a empire with you network marketing company you have to use the phone.
Here is a gut check question : Are you a hoper or a hustler?
I hope this scratcher is going to be the winning lotto ticket... Do you have lotto mentality? Everyone starts somewhere( at the bottom ) the difference is the Hustler never gives up... the hustlers have the same challenges as everyone else but they keep going.
There is nothing technical with anything I am going to share here...they do not require any college degree or computer skills!
For your information I ranked the hustler scale on 0 - 10 with 10 being you got to be going way out there that is ( HUSTLER MODE )
Here we go :
Tactic # 1 Use pre existing systems to create contact
We are talking about a copy / paste strategy that literally takes 10 minutes a day. Your estimated lead generation on this is between 5 and 10 per day the skill difficulty is literally nill but for the sake we will give it a 1 out of 10 and all you have to do is look at something like presentations and write down the tidbits share on social media watch the webinars do blog post and videos... SHARE CONTENT. When prospecting ask them if they generate leads online give them the Attraction Marketing funnel! You should lead with your primary company and when they say no to it you can say " Well how are you generating leads online" Profit from people that say no you can still generate leads...
Tactic #2 Work Events
We are on Events here 2-3 hours a week and you can get 25+ lease per event. The difficulty here is a level 4 out of 10. I suggest 2 events per week. 50 leads with 7 leads per day. Find good networking events. get as many business cards as possible without introducing what you do. Don't wear any buttons don't wear t-shirts (company shirts) this is about relationships... meet-up groups and chamber events. Shoot the emails off make the phone calls. Don't attempt to close people at the event or the first exposure... Hey Joe - would you be interested in a side project if it did not interfere with your current business... Do you know anyone that's been affected by the economy that maybe would be interested in a side project.
Tactic #3 Zero Rejection Warm Market
No rejection marketing. Its called doing me a favor for a reason. Your looking at 30 min a day
estimated 2-5 leads you got a level 3 out of 10 on the hustler rank... We are going for " being busy"
Let me set this up for you. Most people the top income earners in multiple companies are on the phone all the time. This is a mild way that you can call your warm market...
Use this line " Hey promise me if anyone mentions ______ to you promise you will come back and talk to me about it." If you got the wonder juice or magneto marketing or the diet pill of the century. Then say the critical words " I Gotta Go" The more you say the less you make ( money wise )
Tactic #4 Post It Notes
Don't laugh.... We are talking 4 - 5 hrs a week estimated leads 15 + per day. This has a hustler rank of 2 out of 5 and we are going to accomplish this with Post It Notes Suggestion 100 post it notes per day creates 15 leads per day... This goofball tactic works... high traffic areas gas pumps, ect.
"It does not matter what works it matters what duplicates" - Eric Worre
What if you had 100 people on your team put out 100 post it notes per day do you think you might see some results
" Make 750 to 1000 a week no experience necessary call (XXX) - XXX - XXXX "
have it go to a sizzle line with press 1 transfer. Or you could have the prospect go to a website and capture page.
Have a generic call that gets them into a funnel...
I dare you to use the following line " Superstars Only - Make $50 to $300k Don't even call unless your are a producer and can prove it. "
Tactic #5 Realtor Signs -
Here is something interesting Time is 1hr per week
Estimated leads 5 + per day Hustler rank of 7 out of 10 . While out and about driving call 5 - 20 realtor signs drive home different ways to find new ones, Todd Falcone / Black belt recruiting (Mike Dillard ) People that work for commissions and advertising for business can benefit form this... Would you ever be open to a business that has nothing to do with real estate... Most real estate folks are hurting.
Tactic #6 - Free Seminar / Webinar
Here is a tactic that 6 and 7 figure earners make and you can easily make between 5 to 20 leads and carries a hustler rank of 8 out of 10! This takes on average 4-5 hours per week. Use and create content on existing products. Don't think everyone knows this stuff because that is not the case... Use Start the webinar and or seminar with their #1 question when it comes to the subject on ________.
Have the customers type out the question... Form that seminar / webinar you can pitch a paid / unpaid and you can you can offer it Free if they bring a guest... or the price is free with a testimonial... You will have to pay for a platform that can host a webinar...
Tactic #7 Really Going for Referrals
People rarely do this takes we are talking 1 to 2 hours per week with the possibility of 5-50 leads per person. This carries a hustler rank of 6 or 7 should use this on every person... regardless of the outcome. You should generate at least 25 leads per day. You have to ask for it, but if your talking to them why not ask them. You got to know someone who has been affected by the economy or lost their job, do you mind if I share this with them? Do you know anyone who could use this to help them?
Tactic #8 - Card Grab
See a rack at a business full of cards and they are potential customers... Time spent here is 1 to 2 hrs per week, estimated leads at 10 - 30 hrs per day this has a hustler ranking of 6 or 7 out of 10 the suggestion is to map out your area. People put out their card out there for business. The lazy person is not going to put their card on a bulletin board. Snag them and call them...
"Hey I am not sure where I found your number but would you be open to a side project that does not interfere with what you are currently doing?" " I saw your card or # on the pole ... " You don't know who you next million dollar producer could be one of those people they are already business owners and entrepreneurs and they shown that they are not afraid to get out there. The lazy person is not going to put their number on a pole... This is high on the Hustler Range but this WORKS!
Tactic #9 - Local Google Alerts
This is Local News alerts from Google with a estimated 5 + leads a day and taking 1- 2 hours per week this strategy is a 6 or 7 on the hustler scale out of a possible 10 keep cards from past events that you have grabbed. You can set these up for cities around that you are targeting and you want to be auto - alerted... Build relationships don't beat them over the head. So when you hear that someplace is going out of business in the news contact those people on FB ( FaceBook ) and see if they are open to a home based business. Set up alerts for just your city... If someone become relator of the year I am going to reach out to them.
Tactic # 10 People You Meet
I guess you could say I saved the best for last... this can take 1 - 2 hours per week and drum up 5 + leads per day. This has a hustler rank of 9 out of a possible 10! and the key here is Don't explain or present and the thing you want to do is ( be busy ) If you meet someone anywhere.. Its because you are not confident with your approach it's all about the attitude. Do not pitch them! It's not about pitching them! Keep it loose Family, Occupation, Recreation, Hey gotta run
You can be talking to them and then change the channel out there " Hey just throwing it out there are you open to any side projects that does not interfere with what you are doing currently?"
What ever your # 1 fear you fear will always be there.
Remember to use this EVERY SINGLE PROSPECT after they shoot down your product or service
Ask them how are they generating their leads. Ask them if they know how to get people chasing them to sign up... Send them to your funnel.
Don't forget your warm list, just don't be addicted to the outcome! Remember you have to talk to someone.
Tip: When you are out there marketing and out there in Hustler Mode you now have more content to blog about and shoot videos about!
It's not about online only or offline only its about How to get Home Based Business Leads by getting out there and doing a combination of both!
You want to figure out what people want when people buy a drill they want a hole not a drill. So what do people want what is you target? There are two titles and you are going to a seminar which one sound more appealing to you?
" How to use PPC to get more customers " or " How to generate endless leads using the power of the internet " Which one are you going to go to if you are a business owner. Remember give them what they want not what you are teaching.
"Your Time Management will determine the velocity of your success." - Ray Higdon
P. S I hoped this post helped If you think this has value then share your comment below. I want you to see the system that has created more hustlers then any other! Here is the system that I use and you can test drive it for only $10 bucks!
Follow @ScottLLindstrom