- "Helping Internet and Network Marketers build a business while having a life."

How to get Facebook leads with video in as little as 30 minutes!

How to get traffic and how to get the FB Leads... Facebook video ads WOW how to leverage the power of Video to generate leads within 24 hrs

Simple 4 Step Video FB leads cash formula there s a formula you will get here!

You will learn why most marketers FAIL and things you need to keep from annoying your FB fans.

So lets use You Tube and lets cut about 30 videos in the next 3 days!

The Anatomy of a Six Figure Business

for some that picture is worth thousands to you...

People watch 52 billion videos per month... and its a instant relationship builder...
It releases the tension because they got that video of your face... 

Would you like to read a blog or watch a video... rather watch a engaging video.. 


TM + CV+ P + CP = LEADS 
Target Market 
Captivating Video + platform                  (platform vimeo / facebook / youtube ) 
Capture Page 
Leads = Your List 
Offers --- > Email follow up / other offers 


Hey you were searching for this / Here is the information on that / But you may be running into these issues / click below to get that problem solved... ( click on your link . your capture page ) 

It take time 3 - 4 months 

YouTube is a great way to generate leads and you are walking them through a process 

Getting your videos ranked is a process on page / off page SEO.. ( search engine opoptimization depending on what keyword do you want to rank for 

When you do Facebook and combine it with YouTube you can get results massive results so what I want to share with you is the the strategy 

why is this so powerful because there were at the time of this post 52 Billion videos online per month and 35 billion are online video ads...this is according to comScore

This is what is replacing tv ads... and the # 2 website is Facebook and the number one is yep you guessed it Google. As this moment there are 1.28 billion active Facebook users on right now! 

This is highly targeted ads due to Facebook Profiles /Interests / Groups / Pages

This is the 3 Tier Approach Combining a  Facebook Fan page + Video Ads + Your Email List 

When people start seeing you every direction... it starts working. It take 5 - 7 exposures to get a sale 

Here it is  the 20 thousand view 

How often do you scroll through the news feeds... everyone does it... 
We are gong to do a Facebook Page Post and create a video ad that plays 
and brings them through a process... 

Utilize Facebook Graph Search to Look for a Targeted Audience ( start making a list ) 
you are going to need it later.

After you have made that list of products, companies, gurus, interests, you cannot recycle your videos from Youtube.. because Facebook is Interruption Marketing... 1 to 2 min MAX 
your Yourtube videos are 3 - 5 minutes max.. 
The attention span is short on Facebook! 

Here is the Video Format... 

   ( You have like 15 seconds to get them to watch the whole 2 min ) 
       Interrupt and Hook -  ( focus on me ) get them in the first 5 seconds  so...ask a --->
       Question -  ( Example : Still struggling to loose that baby weight ) 
       Intro with Name - introduce yourself ( quickly )
       Cold Hard Facts ( over 97 percent of people will not retire until they are 74! ) this is that           reminder of the reason you hooked them in the beginning 

What they are going to get 
       Time Frame ( tell them how long the video is ) 
TIP*Value ( this is the Hook ) Stick with me till the end and I will show you.... or give you...
        1-2 tips (give enough to want more) This is Open Loop Marketing ! Super special secret will             keep them on your video
          Remind them  they are struggling with (PAIN) or looking for. People want help then they are going to start to trust. Having difficulty... 
         Cold hard facts 

Solution to Problem 
Call to action ( link in post ) couple of times... be assertive

You problem have a product, offer, company or service probably solves a problem in someones life... If you have a product or service your product or service is that painkiller for their pains...

You can share results that other people have had of someones problem and you are giving them a solution when you show you the results look at what Jane did or John did in the last 30 days...

Have a strong call to action tell others what to do... get them over to your capture page.. there is nothing wrong with having confidence in the product or service 


We need to go into the power editor in FB and create a video post. Images that are eye catchy and that will be a image that is interruption marketing... and if you don't have the option of getting a image when you edit your video at the beginning or the middle you can edit a image a into the video... 

Don't ever let technology scare you... now insert post text... put your capture page link first... put in the http: then put some copy... put a question in there and get people engaged... 3 or 4 lines of may have a call to action button... if you have the option

NOW CREATE POST... now you created your Facebook Page Post....


Create a Page Post engagement ad... you need to Creative section.. this is the core of the ad. and select the post you just created in the power editor. Now you need to put the place it in Desktop NEWS FEED or on a Mobile News feed. 

Next go through Audience the process of finding your target market 

Location do English speaking countries 

Local Marketing is possible ( very local ) 
Interest and age  

You only want 1 kind of interest (per ad) don't put in all these different products, services and gurus
like 20 different interests so you can know if its a good interest or not..

Optimization and Pricing recommended with CPC ( cost per click  ) 

The money is in your Fan Base
Grow your fan base ( FB Likes Campaign )

You can literally to your fan base host a webinar (charge money for it ) then sell a offer on the back end...

So this is exactly and you want to think about the end in mind...

Here is the steps

Here is the steps get your hands dirty! 

Now if you want to know more sign up with your name and email below  so you can get the latest marketing tips and strategies for you your business... also simply click on the search bar in the upper let hand corner and type in "facebook video"

New Graphic
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