Here are strategies that you can use in your business. It is really simple
6 top strategies on how to build a following, boost your results... immediately
To market online you must have an audience otherwise nobody will hear you. You must then SERVE that audience by providing value engaging with them. Yes you can provide value and if it's valuable to you SHARE IT! ( you can use a 3rd party at first)
Once they know, like, and trust you - THEN you can give them offers. Done RIGHT they will become eventual customers
There are many different platforms with you can build your audience and many strategies to use PICK 1!!! Stick With It and MASTER IT!
Use the platform to build your email list and learn how to put your capture list in front of people
You must understand your target market in order to be effective! Talk to your Niche market and be
What does the prospect really want
What can you Give to people or do for?
Sometimes you can give away things you would not morally do it ( like in a content ) and you need sales or signups
Its perfectly ok to ask someone in your up-line if they have something you can use or ask someone that can produce something for everyone to use
- Offer a
- Coaching Call
- System Setup ( Facebook page )
- A Header ( you can outsource on Fiverr.com )
- A PDF 'Cheat Sheet' how to set up you bio for leads and sales ( great idea )
- If you have a certain skill offer it people love 'done for you'
- Set a deadline ... time limits or bonus offer amount
2. Create a Upfront Free Giveaway
- A front end Giveaway
- Can be simple - but if YOU are the creature and featured it immediately establishes you as the authority figure.
- It's OK to rely on 3rd party at the beginning but take things up to the next level - create something yourself...
- Model on what others are giving away
- What have you learned that you can share
3. Tell The TRUTH
- People love helping
- Tell them you are trying to hit the next level
- Ask them for help
- ONLY do this occasionally and you can get away with it
- Make it a win /win The first 4 people who buy x will also get y...
4. ASK Your Upline / Team Members to help
- Again People love to help
- IF you don't ask you don't GET
- Ask if they themselves have created something they used as a
- Make sure you reciprocate when you can ( when people give be sure to give back )
5. Do a webinar
- I got one of the most easiest and simple webinar platforms to do...
- You will freak out at first this is normal
- Everything gets easier with practice
- Nothing is more powerful then a live webinar
- If you are new or cannot face doing this yet - again use the power of leverage with your team your system and your line up...
6. Testimonials
- Unless you are completely new there will be people who will write or record you a quick testimonial
- Testimonials are very powerful
- People believe others and social proof ( you need this )
Remember to keep it really simple and you don't need to offer something that is going to require rocket science...
A example would be to offer like giving away a pdf how to set up the Bio on Instagram... that is powerful ... something that simple can help people and people will in turn give a email to learn this.
P.S I am all about giving value and something you can use in your business if you have a marketing questions please go ahead and reach out to me below on FB. If you want to know the system to learn all these and more then click here...

Scott Lindstrom
My Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/ScottLindstromPage
(760) 269-8876
Follow @ScottLLindstrom