- "Helping Internet and Network Marketers build a business while having a life."

Who is your Avatar ? Can you define your Avatar ?
Sound pretty weird hungh?  If you have seen the movie then I can assume that you think I am referring to the blue aliens from the movie...

This is extremely important to your business and you need to know who is it that you are speaking too. By doing so you can basically remove all your competition...

In this article we are going to go over together your Ad Budget and create instant Rapport, and immediately multiply your income..

When you go through FB you see a lot of offers and if you determine who exactly you are speaking to you the more effective in your marketing you would be.

Are you a internet marketer who gets eye strain and or back pain over the next month  ( that is a very specific ad ) it speaks to a specific person.

In this article we are going to go over together your Ad Budget and create instant Rapport, and immediately multiply your income...

Tip : Here is a great tip when you make your offer headline and bullet points  FIRST come up with a irresistible offer first then create the content after that off that make is so compelling that the person will have to opt in click or buy.

A Avatar is actually a old term that goes back to sand-script.. when a god goes into a physical being to speak to humans...

One thing that other terms for avatar ( target audience ) a audience but we are talking about talking to a single human being... so speak to them like they are many...

You do not want to impersonalize communication but personalize it as much as possible use the term I instead of we... remember it's not about you its about the audience...

What is Zero Competition?
Well -- you have to avoid the " cookie cutter message of death...

Traffic platforms such as " Youtube" do not like he make money message or seeing income claims
It's totally ineffective to send people directly to capture pages.

You avatar is NOT

"People who want money"
"People who need leads"
"People that want shampoo"

Can you guess why?

Answer : It's too generic its not laser target , specific...


You first have to write a completive narrative
Biggest mistake all the newbiew make

You can share experience that not everyone has ( job or previous job ) I used to be a Emergency Medical Technician working on a ambulance running 911 calls. There are days...

So you need to "bridge" and when you are talking to someone who they don't want to be and show them a place that they might want to be.

Hey is your life like this then let me show you how it could be different.


Who will relate to your story?
What life experiences or career?
What age group?
EMP team examples

You got to connect on a level other then the money... where you are taking folks from where they are now and where they are going and you are using ____ to do that...

Where will you find these people

  • Time to get creative 
  • THIS is how you crave out a new market 
I want to go over 

The 12 - Step Avatar Discovery Formula 

This is your formula to find your Avatar... 

1. What is you compelling narrative?
2. What's the demographic that will best relate to your success?
3. What are their major pains and frustrations?
4. How can you get more specific and detailed?
5. How are they looking for the solution to these problems?
6 How can you help these people?
7. Where will you reach them?
8. What are the compelling message their receiving?
9. What are their results?
10 What are their real problem?
11. How are you different?
12. What's your proof?

This formula will help you answer the question who is your Avatar?

P.S. If you want to get to know what EMP is all about and how it can help you in your business you can click here now...

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