- "Helping Internet and Network Marketers build a business while having a life."

If you want to find out some good blogging tips you are in the wrong spot here we are going over blogging mistakes and how to avoid them like the plague...

Everyone always wants to know the best well let's go over the worst first and chances are if you have been blogging for any length of time you have been out there putting content out then chances are good that you have made a couple of these..

Lord knows I have!

You know I don't consider myself by any means a major marketer.. I post a blog every day every other day of things that I pick up that can benefit others... Lately I have been studying different marketing methods and picking up some new strategies that I can implement. This good news is that once I learn these strategies I have them forever upstairs in my brain to use...

I subscribe to a publication that I absolutely love called Whats Working Now I mean if you are a marketer and you want serious how to information that can save you thousands of wasted dollars then this publication is a must have...

The guys Nick and Andrew know their stuff and they always have the latest and greatest marketers on sharing their nuggets of info...

But enough of the shameless advertising already lets get into the goods...

Here is # 7  Just because people are putting their content out there does not mean that people are seeing your content. You have got to be PRO ACTIVE!
Look at these rocking marketers Ray Higdon,com, Nick Haubner, Michelle Pescosolido these are class act marketers. You got to get people to your blog to consume... that is that you need to do a blog post .... then.... post it on FB... then Email you list! You have got to remind people... any social media would help to get eyeballs to your blog.... EMAIL YOUR LIST... Do em all!!! You never know which will work...  Do a video email your list! Do a blog post, email your list...

Create content ... well you get it...

What ever your goals are think of the ways you are serving other??

Onto # 8 - Quitting 3 feet from gold... People quit right before they have success... If you are not regular you are its not going to work... you got to be into making this a routine.. HUGE
Its all about routine... Keep momentum going.... People like it when you show up...
The final thing is doing keyword research and just going a little into SEO...
Tomorrow is 10 times easier then the first day...

#9 Writing for the search engines... These days SEO works but know this if you are new to the blogging game you want to ultimately ... Create trust ... Create value .... Create relationships...
Know this one of the blogging mistakes you can do is try to think that Google is not going to get smarter. Stop trying to speak to what Google wants and what your prospect / reader wants...
Think about instead of view of leads how can I create the most trust. The SEO Gurus know how to crank out insane amounts of money! There are big, big  players in the SEO realm but if you are brand new forget about that and think about this you don't a ton of leads to get big results...

I hope this post helped in keeping away from the most commong blogging mistakes.. If you found value let me know! Make it a awesome day!

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