- "Helping Internet and Network Marketers build a business while having a life."

The 4th way to make income is monetization and being a part of a network marketing company is one way
(FYI , most people are not ready to join your business) If you are doing Network Marketing Training you are going to have people find you. I don't like to flip em ( get in my deal ) I offer em to the tool that they need. If you dont have any income you just a one trick pony

There is a fine line you balance if you are serious about a big earner in MLM you are going to confuse your team if you are promoting a new deal ( affiliate ) every month. Be careful just a word of advice. But if you want to be the affilate guru more power to ya.

Invest in your training and coaching and spend the money... Become an affiliate of good products and keep promoting solid. Have revelent links in your P.S Line its going to make you a ton of money... at the very least you should have a banner at the bottom at the very least have relevant content...

Give a ton of free stuff on your blog and you will attract others

I know a gentleman who blogs and does it 15 to 25 minutes a day 3 to 5 years 5 to 7 times a week be worth it?  O yea by the way he makes about 71,000 a month... and that's just from his blog....

5th - way 

Decide who you want to become in this industry and concentrate on how to provide value to your target markets.

In regards to product creation...

When you do your own products Pay Pal is good for a first setup just keep it the beginning

In creating your own products Stop underestimating what you can do and become and what you can do. keep it simple... 99 percent of your first product you make you will price too cheap... (thats ok)

Its all about value be careful when you create your own products that your network company does not have a problem with that.

You are going to have things hit you and its all about how you respond. There were never be a point where everything is all good in your business. You are going to get haters if you get comments then you are on the right path. Surround yourself with positive uplifting people. Be picky of the people you are around and if its your spouse or significant other you can still choose your attitude.

It is a shame if you have a great story within you and you don't have that drive for success that nobody ever hears about it. It can inspire others when other hear your story.

If you want to see a blogging system that will show you how to create the success you deserve click here.

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