- "Helping Internet and Network Marketers build a business while having a life."

Why Even Blog? 

That sounds like a pretty legitimate question right? There are the people that pound the phone they pound the doors or they buy leads every day.  

They have to start at zero and have to reach quotas every single month

If you do not build a brand if you do not create conent then that is pretty much what you are faced with.

By opting into my news letter (below) you will have access to information that I wish I had when I was learning about this strategy.

I used to put the blog out there ( not consistant ) and get a couple of leads, fast forward to today I put content out there on a regular basis  and I get leads...consistantly

If you get 20 to 50 leads a day means you dont  need to really go out and prospect... so fast forward to the future... the plan is to get over 100 leads per day... just from the blog...

I know of a Marketer in our nitche that is getting 600 to 900 leads per day just from his BLOG!

So what does that mean? Well what does that mean if you montize your blog correctly that means money...

There are multiple strategies out there and quite frankly there are people that simply are not making money with their blogs.

You can do this and it wont interupt your multiple streams of income. You want to make sure that your businesses are congruent and non compeating.

If you start blogging you are going to get people that are searching for your content... 

Why They Buy

Before someone buys they research? So you are intercepting all that search traffic, you dont have to be a info marketer.

If there is a nitche I can tell you I would personally start blogging and yes you too can dominate any niche...

Nobody makes sales from a 5 year old email, however you can make money with a 5 year old blog post! 

You can get affiliate commisions on a product or services that you have blogged about years ago. 

It's evergreen

Paid advertising works and you want is to create something moret then what you are putting however this I do know once you stop paying it goes away.. not with blogs it's evergreen content

Hopefully you enjoyed my post and got some value down below drop a comment below if you did

P.S. Do you want to  become the expert authority in your field and have customers and clients hunting you? Learn more click HERE.

me with Ray Higdon 

Scott Lindstrom
Network Marketing Coach
Questions?: Message Me on Facebook

How To Create Content Marketing 101 And Crust It.

It's important to note that 99% percent of you are not doing this and by creating content is how to take your business to the next level... this is an amazing way to get engagement build your brand and get leads and sales. 

Why do we create content ?? That is the million dollars question?


What is Content Marketing?

"Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable relevant and consistent content to attract and retained a clearly - defined audience and ultimately to drive customer action." -

Every time we create it we should be aware of some very important things 

Content is used throughout the sales process and it :

  • Builds An Audience
  • Attract New Website Visitors
  • Engages with your Audience
  • Get Leads
  • Convert Into Customers
  • Up-Sell To Existing Customers 
  • Turns Customers Into Fans And Advocates 

Types Of Content that is possible to create 

  • Blogs Posts
  • Articles
  • Social Media - Twitter / Instagram / FB status updates
  • Videos 
  • Facebook Live 

Every piece content has pros and cons and they have different benefits and purposes.

You want to focus on one type of content for sure 

BLOG CONTENT  is a focus on a particular niche and there are 3 different styles that this can be broken down into... 

Personal Connection Style of Content 

- Story Post 
- Day in the life post
- Inspirational post
- Quotes post
- Rants
- Controversial
- Personal 'Soul Bearing' post 
- Behind the scenes
- Holiday / Special Occasion Post

This is to be personal and the purpose is to create a personal connection with your audience

Informative Educational Style 

I personally lean toward this type of style

- How to Post
- Review Post
- Case Study Post
- Resource Post
- Ultimate Guide
- Stats Post
- checkList
- List Post
- Best Of Post
- Interview Post
- Crowdsourced Post
- Round-Up Post
- Series Post
- Question and Answer Post
- FAQ Post 

Promotional Style Content 

- Promotional Post
- Announcement Post
- Comparison Post
- Showcase Post
- Product / Service Update Post
- Income results post
- Product Tips Posts 

Your PLAN for Content marketing Monday through Sunday? 

You need the right message to the right market and this is key you got to nail it and it's going to be toward 80% percent of the market.

If you miss that then you are going to have a hard time creating a successful marketing campaign.


Do your research on a topic on a pillar content like you did in high school and learn a topic. This is how you become an authority is you start out as the researcher compile that information and get that out to the marketplace and then you establish your authority...

Understand who your target marketing is who they want who they are and what they need... 
The right message to the right market you learn about your target market then provide a  problem and challenges. 

NOTE: Please don't think of yourself as a newbie (that's totally the wrong mindset to have and is very destructive). You now know 99% percent more than everyone else on this subject and now it's a matter of picking a broad topic and just doing it... 

EXERCISE Take out a piece of paper that you can add to over time identify all the problems challenges and obstacles that they (your market)  are having and experiencing in their business that you can possibly solve.

What are some of the big questions that they have? You can see this can go on and on forever... answer questions and challenges the larger you can identify the more money you can make 

This brainstorm page is going to mean more money for you.. and the more problems you solve the more money you make...

Start with research and if you have been creating content you are getting it is important you do research. Research the top sites ( most successful sites ) that are creating results...

Don't re-create the wheel... go with something that is already proven and is working for other people so what if someone has it... it's holding you back... you only need a tiny slice 

How to research the top sites 

Go to GOOGLE ( Top network marketing blogs ) take a little time and research the blogs what are their most popular articles, would that give you a clue to what is popular and then now go list out some blog articles... 

You can check out other bloggers content and even go to YouTube and check out different channels of markets and you can get ideas form videos... a few minutes of video research will do wonders 

Buzz sumo will tell you what content will do good type in "MLM Leads" how to generate leads has lots of variations and you can get info... again the free version will 

SEM rush type in any website in the marketplace the free version will show you a limited report pay for one month and do research on the top 50 MLM blogs and see some traffic where it is coming from your competitors 

Now you want to narrow your focus so take all these ideas so now you understand the marketplace and you can see a content plan and your branding and focus your content marketing strategy...

Choose and narrow down 3 to 5 themes or categories and narrow focus for our branding because branding is what you are about and you need to speak to your prospect when they ask "What's in it for me?"

Here are 4 Questions you need to ask yourself : 

  • Who am I?
  • What do I stand for?
  • Who do I serve?
  • How do I serve them?

By narrowing this down you can show people... what is unique about you...  so when you think about the leaders in this industry 

So choose your categories and your topics and this is going to help you be focused.


It's about getting the right message to the right market, that is rule number 1 then rule number 2 is congruency. 

When you narrow your focus to a couple of contents then the content you create will flow between each other... so 

So you create the content around a few categories and then a lead magnet for each category  and then an offer for each lead magnet... so they see a lead magnet for the same topic on the content you just created... so if we narrow our focus we will get better results 

Plan your blog... with the content you are going to create so 

Quality over Quantity 

Over 3 million posts published every day 
If you add a video there are 300 hours of video uploaded to Youtube every single minute! 
So if you publish more content is not going to get you more views 

SO TODAYS SEO is About Engagement and search engines are looking for 
  • Click through rates 
  • scroll depth  
  • time on page 
  • Social Sales 
  • Backlinks 
  • Bounce Rates 
  • Comments 
Pillar Content otherwise know as 
flagship content, anchor content, cornerstone content, redwood/evergreen content 

Create 3 or 4 keywords to rank and you will have a chance to rank over time. 

People create content on social media and then it just fades away... now if you are going to create it then would it would not make sense to keep your content going?

So it's about creating a post ( this could take days or weeks ) then you can promote this content for weeks months and even years and then you will be able to to make this post grow and it's not forgotten but use it as part of your strategy. 

You want to create your pillar content first...( I did not do this in the beginning ) 

This post is added or referred to repeatedly over time adding it to its value.

-You become the go-to resource for that chosen topic in your niche 
-Supports your topic and gains your readers trust 
-Creates a good will and establishes your brand and creates powerful engagement. 

Create a perennial post and it's a great way to get traffic to your post this is a post that gets updated every year... 

You will use this in future emails and send new leads back to this content because you have narrowed your niche. Create and do different content and link back to your pillar post so its like subtopics of the main topics... 

Your cornerstone pillar content posts are about 5000 to 8000 words it's going to have pictures and videos and links (and be extremely rich and valuable )  out and are going to create some huge engagement and you can do strategies to promote it...

Facebook marketing like a video ad (2 min video) and you can generate leads with this strategy. 

What could be better than a Lead Magnet?  CONGRUENCY

Lead magnet is a value training for an email address... the next sale is the content upgrade 

A content upgraded is like a lead magnet that complements supports or enhances the original blog post the visitor can to read in the first place? 

So in the blog post.. what else could you get... so create a promo lead magnet that is specific to the pillar content! because its specific you are going to get more leads... 


In closing here is 3 action steps you can do:

1. Create a content marketing plan - Create a daily content marketing plan without this you simply do not have a business. 

2. Create your first pillar content - Your core posts and drive people back to these major pieces of content through ads and also other posts 

3.  Promote. Promote. Promote Repeat - You have to be consistently attempting to promote these pillar content while at the same time creating "filler content" for your audience through paid and unpaid methods. 

So Create 3 to 5 pillar contents and do your normal 2 to 3 pieces content you are creating during the week... 

Create a pdf or lead magnet for the pillar content.. and then do some paid ads to the pillar content...
and then keep going to generate traffic and leads to the website... 

Create the content get a plan and put it out there in the marketplace You know what you need to do take action and just do it!  

Hopefully you enjoyed my post and got some value down below drop a comment below if you did

P.S. Do you want to  become the expert authority in your field and have customers and clients hunting you? Learn more click HERE.

Thanks, Norbert You Rock! 

Scott Lindstrom
Scocial Media Marketing Coach
Questions?: Message Me on Facebook

Ok so I thought I would create a post about Twitter at the time of this post I have somewhere I only had like 6,500 followers... I remember when I only had under 1000... even 250

I must say thanks to tools you can literally get a following of thousands in a few weeks!

You run the risk of getting shut down but my strategy for the last couple of weeks is add 50 people 5 days a week and then on Sunday I clean out my non followers...

I continue to build my audience and post things to it from my Facebook fan page on a regular basis averaging 10 - 15 new followers every day like clockwork.

Below are my top 3 ways you can generate not only followers but people that know, like and trust you. 

#1: Replace Automation With Honest Engagement

If you look across social media platforms, a common trend is to “be more real.” But a lot of Twitter business profiles are full of automated tweets promoting their latest blog posts or services. Or worse, scheduled holiday messages that were written months ago.

Automation definitely has its place when it comes to social media , but if you want to develop loyal fans, try to rein in the automation and replace it with actual social commentary, day-to-day tweets, and images you create on the fly.

Talk about what’s relevant in your industry in a non-automated way that people can actually reply to. This takes Twitter back to what it used to be, and in fact what made it so successful: real people talking in real time about what’s going on.

This is really important if you want to develop loyal fans, because loyalty comes with your followers knowing who you are as a person or business, and liking you. It’s hard to like a profile that’s simply automated. Then you have become a robot...

#2: Make Friends, Not Followers

Building brand loyalty takes time, and the only way you can really do this on Twitter is to stop seeing your followers as numbers and start treating them like friends.

We’ve all heard stories like Starbucks sending people surprise coffees who have tweeted they’re in need of one, or Taylor Swift researching her fans across social networks and sending a select few Christmas presents.

Why do you think these brands and celebrities do things like this? It’s because they understand that social media isn’t advertising. A high proportion of your tweets should be socializing, and you can only do that if you start treating your followers like your friends. Friends buy each other coffee and Christmas presents, right?

You don’t necessarily have to put your hand in your pocket for every follower. You can’t buy friendship, but if you think of your followers as friends and be genuinely friendly, it’s a surefire way to create brand loyalty.

#3: Personalize Responses With Twitter Video Reply!

Twitter Video Reply is a massively underused feature of Twitter, but it can be super-effective when used well. Instead of replying to people or tweeting them as you normally would, you can record a video up to 2 minutes and 20 seconds in length and send that to people natively from within the Twitter mobile app.

This feature allows you to build a more personal connection quicker, in the same way you can on platforms like Snapchat. You’re putting a face and voice to your tweets. Hardly anyone does this consistently on Twitter, so if you start now, you’ll really stand out.

Imagine if you asked a question about a brand or a product on Twitter and the company replied to you with a video solving your issue. You’d feel you were being treated like a valued customer, and that in turn creates brand loyalty. This works exactly the same way when building relationships with potential influencers or potential customers. Better yet… it can be just as quick as sending a tweet.

When tweeting from the Twitter app, tap the camera button and select Video.

Similar to Snapchat, tap and hold the record button to start recording and release to stop. You can create multiple shots up to 30 seconds.

Next, hit Done, write a tweet to go with the video, and send it.

Hopefully you enjoyed my post and got some value down below drop a comment below if you did

P.S. Do you want to  become the expert authority in your field and have customers and clients hunting you? Learn more click HERE.

Scott Lindstrom
Network Marketing Coach
Questions?: Message Me on Facebook

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Facebook has at this time of this  time has close to a billion daily users….

Finding the perfect prospect is the the first  priority to growing your business. If you are talking to everyone you are talking to nobody. You need to know who your target market is then you are leaving money on the table! However do not also go out there to find the perfect customer and then make it a pitch fest Go out there with a ‘Who can I help to solve their problem today?’ attitude.

If you are band new I understand wanting to get people in your business like YESTERDAY especially if rent is coming up and your on the verge of getting your power shut off. TRUST ME I know I have been there! ( a few times..along with eviction notices and at one point homeless with a wife & 4 kids. ) 

The lifeblood of your business is relationships so if your spamming people right away you will not go far and if your making small talk and then pitching right away your WASTING YOUR TIME!!!!!

As we all know time is money.

How to prospect on Facebook is the key 

First make a list of what is you...  you  are you a teacher, real estate agent and do you like sports or throwing lawn darts... 

This can be a mental note or an actual pen and paper list. 

I will explain why this will make prospecting easier for you in the next section or video

1. Figure out your target market – This is crucial absolutely crucial or else you will be wasting your time. 

If you are selling makeup would it make sense to primarily talk to men? If you are selling auto parts would it make sense to be talking to restaurant owners? This is the first step to properly prospect.

Figure out who your target market is ….Who is your perfect customer? Are they male or female? What is the age range? What do they do or like etc. etc. Then simply Go Find them hanging out on fan pages and groups.

2. Fan pages and Facebook groups –  Once you have figured out your target market… fan pages and groups are amazing to find prospects. If you are into health don’t just go onto Weight Watchers fan page and start spamming every single person who likes the fan page. This really is gonna come down to who works with you and who you want to work with.

Make sure when you have found a good prospect that you take the time to look over their profile. For two reasons…
One…. You want to find things in common with this person so you have a conversation starter and complimenting them on photos is a really nice touch to show you cared enough to look at their profile.
Two….Because you want to work with serious people make sure they are not negative people or are always blaming the world for their problems.
Take your time to really find someone who is a good fit! Taking a short cut now will cost you in the end and time is money.

Remember to ALWAYS go out there with a ‘Who can I help’ attitude.

ALSO!!!! Always remember that the way people are on Facebook is how they are most likely in REAL LIFE!
Happy Prospecting!

If you found value in this post please like comment and share! I read every comment and I am here to serve 

P.s. Do you want to  become the expert authority in your field and have customers and clients hunting you? Learn more click HERE.

Scott Lindstrom
Network Marketing Coach
Questions?: Message Me on Facebook

Get The Latest Tips, and Strategy for your business! Sign up now and get my Ultimate Marketers Resource guide filled with over 25 and growing top resource sites for markers by marketers! 

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