- "Helping Internet and Network Marketers build a business while having a life."

We are continuing on our journey of the downward spiral of the most common Blogging mistakes and how to rapidly advert tragedy by steering clear of them.

That sounds a bit too fancy so we are going to keep you from screwing up your blog by not doing these things...

Call these the deadly sins if you don't have the FIRST ones in place then don't even bother with this...

#4 A new blogger will get very excited... LONGEVITY.... POSTING REGULARLY... biggest mistakes is infrequent posting... so we are talking about regular benefits... 

I know for a fact that Mr. Ray Higdon is making 6 figures monthly and he posts in the "work from home" "home biz op" nitch.. he has been blogging for a couple of years and being consistent... 
Never slack off with your momentum but once you have it you never loose it! 

Blog is such a asset and think of it like it an investment... All the top bloggers Eric Worry  ( Network Marketing Pro) he creates a video blog.... Ty Tribble MLM blog on a regular basis. 

#5 The other side of the sin is lack of engagement with your readers. One of the best ways that Ray does he will as he will say in the video and write " If you enjoyed this post please like / comment / and share... Please like this... speaking to an audience and also caring about the opinion.

The point is building a relationship with your readers and trying help solve their problems. This is a common theme among the top bloggers.

There is a way to reward people on your blog and its like a game for engagement. 
Get top people on their blog and interview them....

#6 CLUTTER... This is a huge mistake you land on the Blog and its busy and its too busy
flashing and blinking banners 

You don't want the blog to distract the readers and get them to focus on your blog .

Have a clean look have a clean sidebar... Don't make your blog post like you are going to Vegas...
make you opt in form stick out and everything else blend in...

IF you found value in this post then Like, Comment, and Share below and if you have any questions hit me up on social media... thanks

Here is part 3 of 4 of the series that you can read by clicking here now...

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